Selasa, 10 Juli 2018

International Journal

Judul PI : Pembuatan website Ibu Esti Catering Menggunakan PHP dengan Framawork Bootstrap dan My Sql

Jurnal 2:

– The ever changing needs of customers require companies to speed up the new product development process. Thus, the web and social media enable companies to interact and to share knowledge with customers, and to cocreate new products with them. The purpose of this study is to analyze the innovation outputs companies can achieve by involving customers at the “fuzzy front end” of the new product development (NPD) process.

– A case study method has been adopted because the phenomenon under investigation is new, it is hard to find similar researches, and the study attempts to increase researchers’ understanding of such phenomenon. The case study method has enabled the exploration of the strategies used and the results achieved by an international food company, which has involved ordinary customers at early stages of its NPD process, namely at the idea generation and screening stages.

– The case study shows that customers freely provide valuable, original, new, and feasible ideas that can foster product and service innovation, and may also trigger process innovation. Thus, the case study shows how the company has outsourced to customers the idea generation and screening stages of the NPD. The case illustrates how the food company has used the ideas gathered from customers to develop new products and new services. Increasingly, it shows also how the company has gathered strategic information about consumers’ needs and desires (marketing intelligence). Finally, this research discusses the importance of knowledge codification facilitators and of informal, peertopeer, and transparent communication as enablers of consumers’ ideas sharing.

Research limitations/implications
– The single case study approach may prevent the generalization of results.

– In marketing and innovation research, there is a dearth of studies on how companies are involving customers through the web at early stages of their NPD process. In addition, there is a lack of indepth discussion about the innovation outputs generated through cocreation activities.

Rabu, 04 Juli 2018

T7: Exercise About Coordinate Connectors

1.          A spacecraft is freed from fiction ___ launched into space.
A.  It
B.  It is
C.  After is
D. After it is
The clause above is adverb clause, “after” is the connector and followed by the subject “it”

2.         ___ with their surroundings, or they hide in crevices for protection.
A.        Lobsters
B.        Lobsters blend
C.        Lobsters blending
D.       Because lobsters blend
The clause above is using coordinate connectors “or” and followed by the
subject “they”

3.         _____ a ball-and-socket joint, the elbow is a simple hinge joint.
A.        While the shoulder
B.        While the shoulder is
C.        The shoulder is
D.       The shoulder
The clause above is using adverb of time, “while” is the connector and it’s followed by the subject “the shoulder”

4.         A car has several sections with moving parts, ___ of those parts is essential.
            A.      Good lubrication
            B.       Well lubricated
            C.       And good lubrication
            D.       And well lubricated
The clause above is using adverb , “and” is the connector and it’s followed bythe subject “good lubrican”

5.         Bears cannot see well ___ small eyes.
A.        Bears have
B.        Because having
C.        Because they have
D.       Because of bears
Is an adverb clause, “because” is the connector and followed by the subject “they”

6.         ____ at the isthmus of Panama, so animals were able to migrate between North and South America.
A.           A land bridge existed
B.           When a land bridge existed
C.           A land bridge
D.          With a land bridge
The clause above is coordinate connector “at” and followed by the subject “the isthmus of Panama”

7.         ____ mostly made of granite, it also contains some human-made materials.
A.        The Empire State Building
B.        The Empire State Building is
C.        Although the Empire State Building is
D.       Although the Empire State Building is built
The clause above is ……, “although” is connector and followed by the subject “the Empire State Building”

8.        Pressure differences make the eardrum vibrate ____ the ear.
A.        Enters the sound wave
B.        As sound wave
C.        Sound waves enter
D.       As sound waves enter
The clause above is adverb of time, “as” is the connector and followed by the subject “sound waves”

9.         An optical microscope magnifies as much as 2, 000 times, but an electron microscope ___ as much as a million times.
A.           Magnifying
B.           It magnifies
C.           Can magnify
D.          Magnify it
The clause above is using coordinate connector “but” and it is followed by the subject“an electron microscope”

10.     If scientific estimates are accurate, ____ with the Earth about 20, 000 years ago.
A.           The Canon Diablo meteorite collided
B.           The collision of the Canon Diablo meteorite
C.           The Canon Diablo meteorite colliding
D.           Colliding the Canon Diablo meteorite
The clause above is adverb of condition, “if” is connector and followed by subject “scientific estimate are accurate”

11.      Nuclear power can be produced by fusion, ____ produced by fission.
A.           It can also be
B.           It can also
C.           And it can also be
D.          And it can also
The clause above is coordinate connector “and” and followed by the subject “ it”

12.     ____ igneous rocks may be changed into gneisses,
            A.         The temperature is high
            B.          If the temperature is high
            C.           High temperatures
            D.          If high temperature
The clause above is adverb of condition, “if” is the connector and followed by the subject “ the temperature”

13.     Because a family of birds set up housekeeping in Joel Chandler Harris’s mailbox when the birds were on need of a place to stay, ___ the Wren’s Nest.
A.           The home is named
B.           So the home is named
C.           Naming the home
D.          The home’s name
The clause above is adverb of condition, “because” is connector and followed by the subject “a family of birds”

14.     Today the true story of ___ at Little Bighorn remains a mystery.
A.           Happened
B.           It happened
C.           What happened
D.          What happening
The clause above is noun clause, “what” is connector and subject, and followed by verb “happened”

15.      For more than a decade, ___ that certain species are becoming scarce.
A.           The warning or bird-watchers
B.           Warn the bird-watchers
C.           Bird-watchers have warned
D.          A warning for bird-watchers
The clause above is noun clause, “

16.     Early in the eighteen century, Halley accurately predicted when ___ of the 1682 would return.
A.           The comet
B.           Was the comet
C.           The comet was
D.          Had the comet
The clause above is noun clause, “when” is connector and followed by the subject “the comet of the 1682”

17.      No single factor explains why ___ vary so greatly among individuals.
A.           Aging affects
B.           The effects of aging
C.           Aging has an effect
D.          The aging effect
The clause above is noun clause, “why” is connector and subject, and followed by verb “the effect of aging”

18.     Lack of clarity about ___ the party in the coming year will be removed at the party’s convention.
            A.            Will lead
            B.            Lead
            C.           They will lead
            D.           Who will lead
The clause above is noun clause, “who” is connector and subject, and followed by verb “will lead”

19.     We do not ___ the bow drill was first developed for woodworking or fire making.
A.          Whether it
B.          Know whether it
C.          Know whether
D.         Sure whether
The clause above is noun clause, “know” is connector and subject, and it is followed by verb “whether it”

20.    Minute Man National Historical Park is a monument to where ____.
A.                 The beginning of the Revolutionary War
B.                 In the beginning of the Revolutionary War
C.                 The Revolutionary War to begin
D.                The Revolutionary War to begin
The clause above is coordinate connector “where” and followed by the the subject “the revolutionary”

21.     Test on the colors of cars were conducted at the University of California to determine ___ the safest colors for cars.
A.                 Which
B.                 Which were
C.                 If
D.                How were
The clause above is adjective clause, “which” is connector and subject,  and followed by verb “were”

22.    The National Institute of Dental Research estimates ___ in fluoridated areas have about 25 percent less tooth decay when children elsewhere.
A.              For school children
B.              School children’s
C.              That school children
D.             That for school children
The clause above is noun clause, “when” is connector and followed by the subject “school chidren’s”

23.    The process of photosynthesis explains how ___ able to use the energy in sunlight to manufacture foods from the simple chemicals in air and water.
A.           Green plants
B.           Green plants are
C.           Planting greens
D.          With green plants are
The clause above is noun clause. “how” is connector and followed by the subject “green plants”

24.    The Moon’s gravity pulls water on the near side of the Earth toward the Moon, and this is what ____ tides to occur.
A.           The cause
B.           Causes
C.           Causing
D.          The cause of
The clause above is coordinate connector “and”, and followed by the subject “this”

25.     It is not clear whether the subdivisions of the neocortex ___ units.
A.        Individual
B.        Are individual
C.        They are individual
D.       Individually
The clause above is noun clause, “whether” is connector and followed by the subject “the subdivision of the cortex”

26.    Modern humans, who first appeared about 600, 000 years ago, ____ Homo sapiens.
A.           callin.
B.           were called
C.           they called
D.          they were called
The clause above is noun clause, “who” is connector and followed by the subject “first”

27.     The first writing ___ evidence of is on Mesopotamian clay tablets.
A.           We
B.           That we
C.           Has
D.          That we have
The clause above is adjective clause. “that” is connector and followed by the subject “we”

28.    ___ drought-resistant plants which store water in fleshy tissue.
A.           Succulents are
B.           Succulents
C.           They are succulents
D.          Succulents which are
The clause above is noun clause “which” is connector and followed by the subject “store water”

29.    Benjamin Kablesky, whom ___ as Jack Benny, was a famous comedian in vaudeville and on radio and television.
A.           Most people’s knowledge
B.           Most people know
C.           Knowing most people
D.          The knowledge of most people
The clause above is adjective clause, “who” is connector and followed by the subject “most people”

30.    ___ the hunted other animals tended to have very narrow, sharp, curved claws.
A.        For dinosaurs
B.        Dinosaurs are known
C.        Dinosaurs
D.       Like dinosaurs
The clause above is noun clause, “that” is connector and subject, and followed by verb “hunted”

31.     The first eyeglasses had convex lenses for the aged who ___ farsighted.
A.        Had become
B.        They had become
C.        Becoming
D.       It became
The clause above is adjective clause, “who is connector and subject, and followed by verb “had”

32.    Chimney Rock, ___ 500 feet above the North Platte River, has eroded considerably in the last two centuries.
A.        Stands
B.        Is standing
C.        It stands
D.       Which stands
The clause above is adjective clause, “which” is connector and suject, and followed by verb “stands”

33.    ____ that accompany recurring bouts of severe depression reduce bone density.
A.        It changes hormones
B.        Hormonal changes
C.        The hormones change
D.       The changes in hormones is
The clause above is adjective clause, “that” is is connector and subject, and followed by verb “accompany”

34.    Willa Cather is an author ___ for her evocative and memorable vision of frontier prairie life.
A.                 Whom readers
B.                 The praise of readers
C.                 Whom praising
D.                Whom readers praise
The clause above is adjective clause, “ whom” is connector and followed by the subject “readers”

35.     Mars’s tiny moon Phobos is a small mountain of rock that ___ from the asteroid belt by Mars’s gravitational pull.
A.              Was probably captured
B.              It probably
C.              The probable capture
D.             Probably the capture
The clause above is adjective clause, “that” is connector and subject, and followed by verb “was”

36.    Some scientists think ___ be a planet but a moon of Neptune.
A.              That Pluto does not seem
B.              Not Pluto
C.              Pluto that might not
D.             That Pluto might not
The clause above is adjective clause, “that” is connector and followed by the subject “was”

37.     Fort Union was the site of what ___ principal fur-trading post on the upper Missouri River.
A.              The
B.              Being the
C.              Was the
D.             It was the
The clause above is noun clause, “what” is connector and subject, and followed by verb “was”

38.    Since ___ commercial risk, it has to appeal to a large audience to justify its cost.
A.              The face of the movie
B.              Moving faces
C.              A movie faces
D.             To face a movie
The clause above is adverb clause, “since” is connector and it is followed by the subject “a movie”

Selasa, 17 April 2018

Task 5: Present /Past Participle After "Be" And Base Form Verbs After Modals

____ : For Subject Symbol

___ : For verb Symbol

Present Participles or Past Participles after be
  1. The diamond jewelry is always kept in a safe place.
  2. I think your staff are tired because they have been working hard all day.
  3. The lost city hasn't been found.
  4. The organic products will be sent immediately after I receive your payment.
  5. The sick child was taken to see a doctor.
  6. The teacher is preparing a difficult exam for the students. 
  7. Kylie is watching the movie in the cinema
  8. The class is taught every other semester.
  9. The baby crying out loud may be hungry or uncomfortable.
  10. Tom is bringing some drinks to the party.
  11. She was studying the english book all night long
  12.  They had been protecting the President before they pension.
  13. The cat had been following me for 3 years after i found it near my house.
  14.   I have been trying to do my best.
  15.  I have been eating apple before lunch 

Base form Verbs after Modals

  1. Robert would be dating an Indonesian women this day.
  2. Everyone must leave the room immediately. 
  3. The doctor might have warned Dimas not to eat rare cooked egg because of the bacteria.
  4. could sit on the beach for hours.
  5. He can speak English
  6.  Fire might have burned your wallet.
  7. You must have typed the report alone.
  8.  I would have came to take you.
  9.  They would have been forgive you.
  10. You can look at the book, but you cannot borrow it
  11. He may lie to you because he is not very truthful.
  12.  He knew that he would forget the phone number
  13. The weatherman said that it might snow tonight.
  14.  Perhaps we could buy a new car this year.
  15. She will ask you many difficult questions. 

Rabu, 11 April 2018

Task 4 : Agreement After Certain Word And Past Participle After 'Have'

__: For subject, symbol
 __: For verb symbol

Agreement After Certain Word

  1. Everybody in the theatre is watching the film
  2. Don't tell them because no one knows.
  3. Nothing in this world is going to stop me. 
  4. Someone were looking through our window. 
  5. Measles are a terrible illness.
  6. Each of the doctors in the building needs to have separate reception area.
  7. No one here is afraid of skysiving
  8. Everyone in the world needs love and respect.
  9. You should understand that anything is possible.
  10. Nobody in the class has completed the assignment on time. 
  11. Everything in the salad is good for you
  12. Everybody knows the rules, but somebody is not following them
  13. I am sure that every detail has been considered.
  14. Anything is possible
  15. She has to work hard

 Past Participle after “have”

  1. She has ridden her bicycle to school every day
  2. They have put their money in a savings account
  3. Their parents have allowed them to stay up late
  4. They have taken three tests already this week
  5. He has offered me a high-paying job.
  6. My sister will have graduated from Wageningen University by the end of this year. 
  7. They have put their money in a savings account.
  8. Their parents have allowed them to stay up late.
  9. Dika’s car has been repaired by the mechanic last week.
  10. She has never run away from home before. 
  11. have always believed you.
  12. The Doctor had been sleeping for two hours when somebody knocked the door.
  13. My brother has been repairing his motorcycle for three hours.
  14. He has found the missing car keys.
  15. have you ever seen a ghost?